Film Review -It’s complicated

I am a very spontaneous audience. I could be either not going to cinema for months or seeing 3 movies a week. Recently, I am latter. Since last week, I saw <Alice in wonderland> , <歲月神偷>, and  I basically saw all movies that I wanted to see.

So why writing a review for ?

It’s complicated is the best movie I saw out of the other 2 movies. Not saying other 2 were bad. But is simply the best. I had no expectation to the movie but thought it would not be bad because Meryl Streep is there. (Actually that is an expectation, sorry)

I thought it would be a sit-com like style. That you probably laugh for 2 hours and leave without remembering any single detail of the movie after a day. But it was not!

I would say the movie is just like its name. It widely touches on different area of life, like friendship, marriage, affair, family, work, single life, etc. It sounds already complicated enough.
The thing really moved me that it did touch my heart and my heart was connected to the movie. I was like part of it. And the life of Jenny (Meryl Streep) in the movie is exactly the ideal life of mine. I admire how mature Jenny handles her relationship with her ex (affair) and her boyfriend. Also the way how Jenny faces the problems she created. It is just a A class movie that you have so much to learn from.

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